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8-22-2021 Weekly article

Back to School

Is it back-to-school time where you live? Do you remember being excited and nervous about the next school year? Did you enjoy the fresh start? Did you look forward to seeing your friends, learning new things, or meeting a new teacher?

Isn’t being a Christian a lot like this? We are excited and nervous about life. We have a “fresh start” or “reset” every time we spend time in the Word or partake in Holy Communion. We look forward to our heavenly home, meeting our Teacher Jesus, and being reunited with our family and friends. What joy we will have when we are finally home in heaven!

Take time to pray for all the back-to-school children and teachers. The LWML website has a fun Back to School devotion with visual aid ideas to share our faith with children.

Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it (Proverbs 22:6).

Karla Koehler

8-15-2021 Weekly article

It’s Back to School Time!

Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it (Proverbs 22:6).

Our grandson shared that his dad awakened him on the final day of school last May by singing, “School’s Out!” How quickly the summer has flown!

As PreK–12 schools, colleges, universities, seminaries, and midweek education classes begin this fall, Lutheran Women in Mission understand the importance of learning. We pack school kits, mail encouraging cards, keep students in our prayers, and seek opportunities to teach others to look to Jesus!

About half of the 2021–2023 LWML Mission Grants support education, some with Bible books, scholarships, camps, or meals. Others fund training pastors or teaching people with hearing or vision impairments. A few share God’s Word through materials for the homebound or outreach to cultures around the world. We thank God for faithful supporters who eagerly donate mite offerings to fund these grants focused on this vital Christian education.

God’s blessings on your teaching and learning!

Brenda Piester

8-8-2021 Weekly article

Time with Jesus

I love the hot, lazy days of August. It’s summertime! This may be a time to relax and enjoy a cold drink on the deck, to make an extended visit with family, or maybe just to float on a lake. We all need time to refresh our souls.

As you take time for yourself, find true joy in a Bible study or devotion that helps you find meaning and purpose. May I make a few suggestions?

  • A short but meaningful Bible study called “Grace-Full Women” by DCE Kristina Long, may fill you with His grace so you may share His grace with others.

  • Is your life torn in many directions? Take time for this single session Bible study, “Who’s Number One?” written by Rev. Luther Brunette for LWML, it reminds you Who your priority should be.

  • You may also choose one from this list created by the Christian Life Department.

Enjoy the lazy days of August, spending quality time with Jesus!

Today, and always, we are surrounded by God’s grace,


8-1-2021 Weekly article

For Such a Time as This

“And who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this?”
(Esther 4:14b).

I usually take a few notes at my weekly women’s Bible study, but this particular day, I could hardly make my pen write fast enough. The topic was “faith,” and not only did the study guide lead us to inspiring Bible passages, but the discussion among members was very insightful.

A few days later, I was asked to speak at an LWML Fall Rally, and guess what the theme was to be? “Faith!” God knew, even before I was asked, that I would need extra understanding to speak at this LWML event! God has a plan for each of us, which unfolds at exactly the right time.

For Such a Time as This Bible study cover image

The Bible study For Such a Time as This looks at Esther’s story and Joseph’s story. It then offers the opportunity to reflect on our own personal stories and consider how events in our lives have prepared us for God’s plan and purpose for us.

Download your free copy at

Susan Brunkow

7-25-2021 Weekly article

Celebrating 80 Years!

In 2022, LWML will celebrate 80 years of being Lutheran Women in Mission!

We can take time to look back – reflecting on beginnings, changes, and growth. We should also look forward and consider how we can affect the legacy of the LWML in a positive way.

It might be by extending personal invitations to other women, inviting them to help with a mission service project, attend an LWML event, or help host one.

It might be by including children and grandchildren (your own or by “adopting” some in your congregation) in a service activity.

It might be by modeling joy in proclaiming Christ, supporting missions, and serving others.

It might be by seeking ways to share your faith, bless your family, and impact ministry through the LWML Gifts of Love ministry.

So many reasons to celebrate and so many ways to do it! How will you celebrate?

O give thanks to the Lord; call upon his name; make known his deeds among the peoples! (Psalm 105:1)

Eden Keefe

7-18-2021 Weekly article

Tell Others!

Mary Magdalene went and announced to the disciples, “I have seen the Lord”— and that he had said these things to her (John 20:18).

We tell of things we have seen and witnessed: the account of a wildfire in our backyard, the miracle of birth, and other memorable events — none more memorable than Mary Magdalene’s. Imagine going to the tomb, expecting to see the dead body of the Lord, and instead He is alive and talks to you! This week the church remembers Mary Magdalene. Mary had the joy of seeing the risen Lord on Easter morning. What a witness account to tell the disciples!

The Easter narrative is retold repeatedly, a message the world needs to hear. Our LWML Mission Grants tell the Good News of the risen Lord. Learn about our new grants on the LWML website: mission grants. Support them with your prayers and contributions, and tell others about them.


7-12-2021 Weekly article

Planning for a New Season

Summer is here, and many of us are taking time for relaxation. Summer is also a great time to start planning for fall activities — retreats, zone rallies, meetings — in person!

A focus for your group this year could be the “I am the Heart of LWML” campaign. Take the goals and use them as objectives for your group. This is a perfect opportunity for each member to invite someone new to come to an LWML activity or meeting and hear about all the mission grants, participate in mission service activities, or join a Bible study written by one of our members.

Remember, you are the Heart of LWML and as Lutheran Women in Mission, we share the joy and wonder of what is done through the LWML by the grace of God — the resources created, the missions supported, and the ministries blessed.

For “I am the Heart of LWML” resources, click here.



LWML Resources