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It Is Finished

It Is Finished

Jesus said, “It is finished.” With that He bowed His head and gave up His spirit (John 19:15).

The “finish line” of Jerusalem wasn’t the finish.  The completion of the Passover celebration meal wasn’t the finish.  Now, as Jesus says from the cross, “It is finished,” the first 33 years of His earthly life are finished.  As mocking and insults are hurled upon Him, He thirsts for water; His Heavenly Father forsakes Him; He gives up His Spirit.  As Jesus is laid in the grave, the disciples, still unknowing, think their time of following is finished.  The Sanhedrin and the religious officials believe they have finished off Jesus. 

All the while, Jesus HAS finished His redemptive act of love.  As we today and tomorrow wait with the disciples, Christ descends into hell to announce His final defeat of sin, death, and Satan, and then rests in the tomb until Sunday morning, Easter morning, when Christ, in person, rises and proclaims His ultimate victory.  


Preparations Finished (or not?)

Preparations Finished (or not?)

Where do you want us to make preparations for you to eat the Passover? (Matthew 26:17b)

Birthday cards, Thanksgiving dinners, Christmas presents, New Year’s parties, Spring Break travel plans, Fourth of July fireworks, family vacations…the list goes on throughout the year of everything that requires preparations.  It takes so much effort and time to get everything together, and then the event is over in an amount of time that doesn’t seem to justify the amount of planning it took.

Jesus and His disciples have made preparations to celebrate the Passover … the Upper Room is secured, Jesus and the twelve are reclined at the table, the food has been eaten.  The celebration is finished, or is it?

Instead of finishing the celebration in the traditional way, Jesus takes the bread and wine, shares it with His disciples, and institutes the Lord’s Supper.  Not an ending, but a new covenant and a new command for the forgiveness of sins.


Rev. John Heckmann

Senior Pastoral Counselor
Lutheran Women’s Missionary League


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Finish Line

Finish Line

Jesus entered Jerusalem and went to the temple.  He looked around at everything, but because it was already late, He went out to Bethany with the twelve (Mark 11:11).

Have you ever crossed a finish line…a marathon, a color run, a go-cart race, a corn maze?  Or maybe a figurative finish line … a big project at work, graduation, or pulling off a surprise birthday party?  Whatever it was, there’s a feeling of accomplishment when something is finished. 

Crossing the “finish line” may have been what people were thinking as Jesus entered into Jerusalem riding on a donkey that first Palm Sunday.  Finally, they thought, their bread king.  Finally, they thought, the king who came to free them from their earthly oppressors was here.

But the entry into Jerusalem wasn’t the end.  Jesus didn’t come as an earthly king, but as a heavenly king.  The entry into Jerusalem was just the beginning of a week in which Jesus would demonstrate so vividly His saving power and love.


Rev. John Heckmann

Senior Pastoral Counselor
Lutheran Women’s Missionary League


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Why Worry?

Why Worry?

Do not be anxious about anything, but in thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4: 6-7).

These verses are special to me because they remind me that I should not fret or worry, but turn to God in prayer instead.  God wants us to share even our seemingly insignificant concerns with Him and experience peace that only God can give. Then we can replace those worries with good thoughts. It is remarkable what can happen when our minds are filled with praises instead of woes, using for an example the words of Philippians 4:8b: Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praise worthy – think about such things.


Sunshine! Sonshine!

Sunshine! Sonshine!

Spring is coming! Are you eagerly anticipating the warm days and bright sunshine?

Spring, however, can also be the season for dark, menacing thunderstorm clouds. The resulting gloominess makes us long for a peek at the sun. We may even lament, “I sure wish the sun was shining today!”

Actually, the sun does shine every day! Its bright warming rays are just obscured by the storm clouds.

Jesus, Son of God, also shines every day. But sometimes when clouds of trouble surround us, we fail to see His face through the resulting darkness. But, as God says in Numbers 6:25: The Lord make His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you.

His care for us is constant. Not just on “sunny” days, but even on the darkest, saddest, and most troubling days. We give Him all thanks and praise as we stay grounded in the Word which reminds us of His forever love. Today. Tomorrow. For eternity.


Carolyn Blum

VP of Organizational Resources
Lutheran Women’s Missionary League


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Happy “Willing Servant” Day

Happy “Willing Servant” Day

In most countries around the world, March 8 is International Women’s Day. Mostly, it is celebrated to recognize the economical, political, and social achievments of women. In America, the second Sunday in May is Mother’s Day when we honor our mothers who have shared their love and faith with us. 

Can we add another day of celebration? In our LWML pledge, we promise our willing service to do whatever He has need of us. What a joy it is to celebrate being a willing servant with our feet and hands, our silver and our gold, our songs of praises, and our voices proclaiming His love to the lost, whether it be a neighbor or a mission trip half way around the world! A few years ago, four LWML sisters from America shared God’s love in His Son with a group of women in Kyrgyzstan. They now celebrate being “willing servants” among their friends who do not know the Savior. So yes, every day can be a day of celebration when we serve the Lord with gladness!


Sue Pfeil

Chairman Gospel Outreach
Lutheran Women’s Missionary League


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Renewed by God; Fastened by Faith

Renewed by God; Fastened by Faith

I confess. I am a hoarder. Of sorts. I save bits and pieces of fabric, paper, and packaging I might use someday in a “project.” Last fall I used bits of felted wool and vintage buttons from my collection to create lapel pins. The wool was recycled from tattered and stained sweaters and garments. As I began pairing pieces and colors, I couldn’t help but think of how God fashions us anew in Jesus. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come (2 Corinthians 5:17). God  takes the faded hopes, brittle and torn intentions, and sin-eaten spirits and re-forms us into sons and daughters; beautiful, and perfectly suited for His work: For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them (Ephesians 2:10).


Janet Hurta

Chairman, Information Technology Committee
Lutheran Women’s Missionary League


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