Developing Leaders

Leaders create visions of the future and motivate others to engage in that vision. Leader Development expands women’s capabilities to perform leadership roles within the LWML.

Leader Chat — Abby Goehring
Leader Chat — Sheila Lutz
Leader Chat — Sherrie Smith
Leader Chat — Deaconess Betty Knapp

Flowering LWML Leaders — God is the ultimate gardener and you are his special seed.

Gaining, Training, Maintaining Women of the LWML — The mission statement of the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League does not address gaining, training, and maintaining participants in LWML. So how do they come about? 

Leadership 101 — What is leadership? How can you be an effective leader?

Leadership in Pairs — LWML leaders have many partners. God, peers, mentors, predecessors, neighboring LWML groups and more are there to support you as a leader.

Look of a Leader — The ABC’s of Leadership, Ten Commandments for Leaders, activity ideas, and more make this ideal for a leadership development workshop or individual reflection.

Lucy Leader is In! — Have fun with this sketch promoting LWML Leadership Resources.

Lucy Leader is In! Meet the Officers. — This sketch can be used as an addition to “Lucy Leader is In! Five Cents Per Session” to introduce officers and explain their positions. 

Motivation is Contagious — An equipping resource on how to be a motivated leader.

Resources, Documents, and Videos from the LWML Assembly of Leaders (AOL) Training in October 2022 

Resources, Documents, and Videos from the LWML Assembly of Leaders (AOL) Training in November 2018 

Stay Calm and Transition On — A two part resource to guide outgoing and incoming officers to complete an effective transition of office.

Team Building Activities — Seven activities for Lutheran Women in Mission Team Building

Zone President Pointers — Elevate your leadership confidence with these helpful hints

Officer and Committee Guidelines

LWML Handbook — The LWML Handbook contains everything to know about the organization; relationships of the local group and individual members to zone, district and national LWML, history, and meeting helps. 

LWML Procedures Manual — The LWML Procedures Manual details the responsibilities and duties of our LWML leadership, which is helpful for those who are elected or appointed to serve on the national level as officers or committee members, and may be referenced for district positions as well. 

Committee Guidelines

Officer Guidelines

Personal Development

Personal Development — Discover your spiritual gifts with this package that includes a Bible study, sketch, and discussion questions.

Developing a Personal Mission Statement — This resource will equip and engage you to write your own personal mission statement and may be used as group event activity.

Time Management — Helpful steps to manage yourself in a healthy, timely manner.

Bible Studies for Leaders

A Servant Leader Bible Study with Leader Guide

Christian Leaders Bible Study

This three-part Bible study and leader’s guide with insights into developing leadership attitudes and skills is ideal for a leadership workshop or Board of Directors’ study.
Christian Leaders Bible Study

Gifted for Service

This spiritual gifts Bible study, including links to online spiritual gifts inventories, works for any size group.
Gifted for Service


Bible Studies on mentoring can be found in the Mentoring Resource Kit and in Woman to Woman Mentoring.

More Bible Studies

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