
Word — The Time is NOW

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Two Minute Tuesday

My husband and I are avid hikers and bikers and love to be outside enjoying God’s beautiful world. And they were calling to one another: “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty; the whole earth is full of his glory” (Isaiah 6:3 NIV). My most thankful prayers are made while outside enjoying God’s gifts.

As I write this, it’s April 17. Michigan is having a late snowstorm. I am grateful to be forced to accomplish tasks that have been waiting for my attention. Being thankful throughout the day is getting easier as I practice. give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus (1 Thessalonians 5:18 NIV).

LWML has helped me focus on daily devotions, keeping Christ in all my activities. In His name my focus is on the needs of others — working on a mission project; filling my Mite Box; assisting with funeral luncheons; or working on fundraisers with LWML sisters and brothers. I’m looking forward to Milwaukee — seeing people live their faith with hugs and smiles — putting Christ first with their actions. Inspiring devotions and Bible studies will fill me up as I journey home afterward. 

Thank You, Lord, for the opportunities to serve. Thank You for LWML!

Carol Klein
LWML English District President

A Missionary? Me? — Yes!

Two Minute Tuesday

Recently, our congregation held an inaugural Happy Birthday Party for children of all ages. As a member of the hosting Board of Education, playing a party game of Pin the Tail on Balaam’s Donkey came to mind as I recalled one of the eight short Bible studies/reflections — Joanna and Balaam — in the LWML book A Missionary? Me? ( written by LCMS women serving as missionaries. Joanna writes, “God called a donkey to talk. He also calls each of us to our own impossible task for the sake of the Gospel.”

Before playing the game, I told the story of Balaam and his donkey — God used an insignificant donkey to deliver God’s message, thus showing God’s power. God opened Balaam’s eyes revealing the angel of the Lord. I explained that they would be blindfolded and spun around three times, similar to Balaam’s situation. When the blindfold was removed, they would see where their tail was pinned — possibly not where they had anticipated.

Dear Lord, thank You for calling me to be Your missionary wherever and whenever You have need of me. Open my eyes to do Your will even in places I don’t anticipate. Amen.

Michelle Zollinger
LWML Louisiana-Mississippi District President 

In the Eye of the Storm

Two Minute Tuesday

Do you ever feel overwhelmed? Feeling so stressed that you become paralyzed and unable to do anything?

A pastor spoke of being in the eye of a hurricane as the peace of God. While the outer part of the storm has winds up to 150 mph, the eye of the storm has much calmer winds of 15 mph, often with sunny skies. Hurricanes move slowly, so it is possible to stay in the eye with clever navigation. God’s Word is the eye of the storm.

On January 1, I started the “Reading Through the Bible in A Year” calendar by LWML. Reading God’s word reminds me that beginning with Adam and Eve, God has promised us that He is in control and that He cares. God’s Word keeps me in the eye of the storm, looking to Jesus.

And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:7).

Laura Strattman
LWML Central Illinois District President

God’s Family

Two Minute Tuesday

Genealogy is an interest for many people today. It can be exciting to find out where your family came from or to learn that you had an ancestor who fought in the Revolutionary or Civil War. However, there is one ancestry for which we don’t have to investigate as it is written in the Word of God.

Our first parents, Adam and Eve, walked with God in a perfect relationship in the Garden of Eden.  By their sin, they broke that perfect oneness, and we, as their children, do the same. Yet, God, in His great love, had a plan for our redemption even before the world was created.  He sent His Son to take our punishment, so we could return to the perfect life of the “new Eden” forever.

God’s Family” is a devotion on the LWML website that digs deeper into our oneness with God and with our sisters and brothers in Christ.  It is one of many wonderful devotions that can be found for your individual or group use on the LWML website,

Sharon Dever
New England District President

The Lenten Journey

Two Minute Tuesday

Can you believe that Ash Wednesday is tomorrow, beginning the season of Lent? Wasn’t it just Christmas? I have been thinking about Lent recently, not only because I’m the church secretary trying to get the bulletins prepared, but because during one of our Advent services our Pastor had us look at the banners behind the altar. One has the root of Jesse on it and the other one has the Advent wreath with the base as the crown of thorns. As a child I didn’t really realize that Christmas and Easter were linked but as I started reading and studying the Word it became clear. During the season of Lent, we reflect Jesus’ journey to the cross and fix our eyes on Him. One of the ways we can do this is by using Lutheran Women in Mission devotions and Bible studies found on the LWML website, under The Word tab. I am looking forward to using them in my own group and with my zone.

Gayle Caruso
LWML Florida-Georgia District President


Two Minute Tuesday

The “November Eucharisteo Project” on the LWML website caught my attention. Maybe because my son’s name Risto is part of the word — or perhaps it was my own need for a reminder. This project encourages us to slow down for reflection and Eucharisteo by reading Scripture and then writing it down.

Eucharisteo is the Greek word symbolizing not the bread itself, but rather the emotion of being thankful or grateful for the bread. As Lutheran women of the LWML, we have so many reasons to give thanks! 

I recall a Dale Carnegie classmate’s speech in which listeners were challenged to count their many blessings and compare them to the leaves of the trees. What a great visual this is, especially in the fall. This reminds me of the work we are all doing for the “What’s Your 80?” campaign for which I am so thankful. As vast as the number of leaves in November are your “80” plus blessings.  I encourage you to continue finding creative ways to bless others.

I also encourage you to post your daily verse on social media #lwmlintheword as you share some Eucharisteo with your family and friends.

MaryBeth Heikkinen
LWML Michigan District President

Celebrating Our Pastors

LWML is celebrating 80 years of serving the Lord. Lutheran Women in Mission find strength in the Word of God. We appreciate our faithful pastors who keep us in His Word. 

Two Minute Tuesday

For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths (2 Timothy 4:3-4). The Bible is our authority. We are blessed by God and His Word that encourage us to support our LWML mission grants and spread the Gospel wherever and whenever He has need of us.

LWML Sunday is typically observed on the first Sunday of October. October is also Pastor Appreciation month — the Word and the mission of the LWML recognized in the same month! On the LWML website, you will find a great resource for Church Workers in Mission. There are ideas of how we can welcome our new pastors to our districts and show appreciation to our current pastors who keep us in the Word.

LaurieAnn Totenhagen
North Dakota District President


LWML Resources