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Connecting with Team Members

Dear Servant Leaders,

And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near
(Hebrews 10:24–25).

I absolutely enjoy connecting with women of my church, zone, and district. Why? For me, it’s learning more about the people around me and sharing more of myself in return. When that happens, I am able to fully support and encourage other Lutheran Women in Mission.

But how do we start the connection process? It is as simple as a warm greeting of the day and an introduction of yourself. It is also being open to a warm greeting and exchanging the same. To connect, try to find a commonality with other women. Offer to pray for or add a personal concern or a family member to a prayer list.

As we follow our Servant Leader, Jesus Christ, let His example be our ultimate guide, as He connected, encouraged, and supported those around Him. As servant leaders, it is so good to connect, encourage, and support those around us. God wants us to share the Good News about salvation in Jesus. What a blessing for the opportunity to spur one another on toward love and good deeds!

Plan to intentionally connect with one or more women in your church, zone, or district each month. Remember to start your connection with a smile and a greeting of the day. For another reminder of the importance of serving and supporting one another, take a look at Working as a Team to His Glory

Your sister in Christ,
Lucy Servant Leader

Leading in the Family

Strength and dignity are her clothing, and she laughs at the time to come (Proverbs 31:25).

On a recent trip to the Mediterranean, I visited a shop where rugs were being made by hand. I was in awe of the detail, the patience, and expertise of the woman weaving the threads into a pattern. That visit made me reflect on the complexity and intricacies of family life, where women constantly weave threads of love, strength, and grace into the walls of their homes. All women — single, married, or widowed — guided by God, play a wonderful role in serving and shaping immediate and extended families. I encourage you to embrace your God-given ability to lead in the family.

Nurturers: Women lead as nurturers, tending to the emotional and physical needs of their loved ones. We lead by providing comfort, encouragement, and healing.

Empowering Others: Women empower their spouses, children, and extended family members. We encourage dreams, celebrate victories, and provide a safe harbor during storms. Our strength lies not in dominance but in empowering others to rise.

Servant Leadership: Women can lead through service. Jesus exemplified servant leadership in washing His disciples’ feet (John 13:1–17). We cook meals, mend wounds, and listen patiently. Our acts of love echo Christ’s command to love one another.

Legacy Builders: Women shape family legacies. As mentors, we can leave indelible marks. We lead by investing in relationships, passing down values, and leaving a heritage of faith.

Heavenly Father, we thank You for the women who lead within families. May our influence reflect Your love and grace. Strengthen us, guide us, and empower us to lead with wisdom and compassion. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

For another reminder on leading in your family, take a look at the Bible study, A Lot of Tough Love.

Your sister in Christ,
Lucy Servant Leader

Taking Care of Your Health

Dear Servant Leaders,

Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So, glorify God in your body (1 Corinthians 6:19–20).

I haven’t always made the healthiest choices when it comes to taking care of myself. I notice that prolonged periods of unhealthy choices truly catch up with me and weigh me down. When this happens, I’m not at my best physically nor mentally. I am of little help to anyone! 

As servant leaders, we must take care of the gifts God has given us and glorify Him with healthy choices. As you evaluate your choices, here are a few healthy options to support your physical and mental wellbeing:

  • Pray. Pray daily for help with making healthy choices. Your body is a gift from God.
  • Get moving. Move for 30 minutes every day in a way that is healthy for you by stretching, chores at home, gardening, a few steps in the backyard, or a walk in the park.
  • Set a sleep routine. Set a regular schedule of sleeping and waking up that can work for the entire family. 
  • Hydrate. Incorporate water with every meal; spice your water up with ice and a squeeze of an orange or lemon.
  • Know your health numbers. Get an annual physical exam with your health professional and monitor yourself with blood pressure cuffs and the like.

We ask God to grant us the wisdom to make healthy choices for ourselves in order to serve others! For tips on improving your overall personal well-being, view Personal Development.

Your sister in Christ,
Lucy Servant Leader

Energizing the Team

Dear Servant Leaders,

But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint(Isaiah 40:31).

Servant leaders do not want team members (and themselves!) to burn out, so look for ways to keep members energized for the task. First of all, the team should look to God’s Word to give renewed strength and encouragement for service, even in times of discouragement or disappointment. Perhaps all members of the team could participate in the same daily Bible reading plan or devotional booklet and then discuss their insights weekly or monthly. Encourage members to journal their thoughts and questions.

Servant leaders:

  1. Strive for a friendly atmosphere within the group. They are honest and set an example for team members to be honest as well.
  2. Enjoy each person’s uniqueness.
  3. Encourage team members to serve where they find enjoyment and can best use their gifts.
  4. Motivate, don’t manipulate. Use passion, not position.
  5. Keep lines of communication open and encourage questions.
  6. Pray to God asking Him to be with the members of your team, keeping them well and energized.

All team members should recharge by doing something they enjoy on a regular basis. Be creative. It can be writing, taking pictures, visual artistry, going for a walk, or just spending a few days with family or a friend.

Read the Leadership Tip: Staying Energized as a Leader for ways to keep yourself energized!

Your sister in Christ,
Lucy Servant Leader

Encouraging the Team

Dear Servant Leaders,

Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing (1Thessalonians 5:11).

Do you value encouragement from others? Encouragement from fellow Christians can uplift and give support in the day-to-day activities of life. You can encourage others by sharing your faith in your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, as well as sharing your joy in serving Him.

A servant leader who is an encourager is a real blessing to the team. Out of genuine Christian love, take the time to speak supporting words to your team, especially when they appear to feel lost or unsure of themselves and their capabilities. Take time to pray to the Lord for the encouragement and support you need to give to others.

When we give encouragement, we strengthen the team to continue in service. Team members will feel lifted up and appreciated when compliments are sincerely given. Team members will continue to serve as long as they feel their efforts are accomplishing something, their talents are appreciated, and they are making a difference.

  • Set realistic goals that help team members know they are successful.
  • Encourage them to serve in ways they enjoy.
  • Help develop their gifts once they are given a task.
  • Encourage team members to work together.
  • Compliment with credibility.
  • Show people you enjoy your work. If servant leaders are joyful, others will be encouraged and joyful too! 

See Volunteers in Christ's Ministry for more ideas on how to encourage your team.

Your sister in Christ,
Lucy Servant Leader

Staying in the Word

Dear Servant Leaders,

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path (Psalm 119:105).

The servant leader needs to constantly get strength and instruction from God’s Word. The Holy Spirit works through His Word to give the servant leader the confidence and direction for her work.

Each of us finds ourselves in many different leadership positions and roles. The requirements of the leader change depending on the gifts and abilities of the group. Jesus, our servant leader and example, leads us through His Word to the truths of servant leadership and guides us in actions that follow Him.

God’s Word provides answers and direction as the servant leader works with many different personalities and varied gifts and abilities. It can shine light into the darkness of competition and failure. It assures us that we are forgiven in the name and for the sake of Jesus and that forgiveness should be shared with others.

A conscientious servant leader will identify and use daily Bible reading plans and devotions. She will start and close each group time with devotion and prayer. The Word will be her team’s guiding light.

A servant leader lets the Word shine through her words and actions, as the Holy Spirit guides and directs her actions. She looks to Jesus in faith as her leader. The servant leader trusts her Savior to light the path to help fulfill the team’s goals.

Challenge: Join a Bible study group or find a good daily Bible reading plan and immerse yourself in the light of God’s Word!

I recommend the Working Together Bible study to do with your team.

Your sister in Christ,
Lucy Servant Leader

Together Everyone Accomplishes More (TEAM)

Dear Servant Leaders,

Put on then, as God's chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience, bearing with one another and, if one has a complaint against another, forgiving each other; as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive. And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony (Colossians 3:1214).

Together: As a Christian, friend, Lutheran Woman in Mission, parent, or employee, each of us finds ourselves as servant leaders on a team. As we serve our leader, Jesus Christ, we want to put others first on the team and model the virtues of compassion, kindness, humility, meekness (gentleness), patience, forgiveness, and love.

Everyone: A servant leader wants to include all members of her team. Each member has her own gifts and abilities that will enhance the team and its work. She will find out those strengths and give each member tasks that are enhanced by her skill sets. A servant leader forgives as the Lord has forgiven her.

Accomplishes: The servant leader needs to make the goals of the team clear so team members can measure their accomplishments. When goals are met and team successes happen, the servant leader will remember to praise and encourage the team for a job well done. She will not fail to give the glory to Jesus, who brought the gifts and talents of the team together and blessed their efforts.

More: It is not the end. The servant leader will challenge her team to new goals and urge them to identify others that want to be a part of the group. As the team grows, so does its accomplishments to the glory of God.

Don’t forget to give all thanks and praise to God for a cohesive TEAM!

I encourage you to start your teamwork with the devotion Working Together in His Strength  

Your sister in Christ,
Lucy Servant Leader


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