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3/20/2022 Weekly article

Seek His Face

carving of Jesus' face

Seek the LORD and his strength; seek his presence continually! (Psalm 105:4).

Have you ever felt that the weight of the world was resting on your shoulders? On days like that, when our burdens seem too hard handle, we may want to close our eyes and ears and hide from all that is happening around us. We find comfort in the words of Psalm 105:4 that remind us to keep our eyes on Jesus, seeking Him continually, for Jesus is where we find our strength.

In this season of Lent, with incredible wonder and awe, we see our Savior bearing our burden—the sins of the whole world—and loving us so much that nothing would stop Him until He could say, “It is finished.” He knows the burdens of this life and will give us the strength to bear whatever comes our way.

To help you as you seek the Lord each day, go to and search devotions, Bible studies, or podcasts. You will find great resources that will continue to point you to the One who gives you strength for each day.

Mary Smith

3/13/2022 Weekly article

Nearly Spring

Where I live in the northern most part of the country, we’ve entered the season of mid-winter. Spring doesn’t come here until May. Even though there are flowers waiting to pop through the soil — if they tried — they might have a few feet of snow packed on top of them.

In other parts of the country, spring has sprung. Trees are leafing out. Flowers are blooming. Grass needs cutting. What a glorious world we live in where one can find beauty in every season.

Two LWML devotions caught my eye in this “mid-winter” season. Both focus on the beauty of God’s green earth but from different perspectives.

New Growth – Again helps us to see how God gives us “another chance for our love to ever bloom and grow in Christ.”

Green Pastures reminds us that we are “handpicked by God to be His child.”

Enjoy these devotions and remember how the beauty of God’s Word draws us closer to Him as He calls us to live lives of faith and service every day.

Deaconess Betty Knapp

3/6/2022 Weekly article

“Springing” into Action

Spring is a wonderful time to think about new beginnings. Flowers begin to bloom, baseball teams start their spring training, LWML zones prepare for their spring celebrations, and Christians around the world celebrate the new life we have in Christ.

In our home, spring is the time we “spring” into action with planting, cleaning, and planning for summer activities. The LWML Mission Statement provides us, as Lutheran Women in Mission, a template to “spring” into action for the Lord as we Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous works among all peoples! (Psalm 96:3).

As Lutheran Women in Mission, we joyfully proclaim Christ, support missions, and equip women to honor God by serving others.

As we move into the season of Spring, let’s “spring” into action by being in the Word, praying for missionaries, serving others, mentoring women, and declaring His glory to all we meet. Praise God for the change of seasons and for the ability He provides so each one of us can “spring” into action for Him.

Michelle Jenks

2/27/2022 Weekly article

Lent — What an Opportunity!

Serve the LORD with gladness! (Psalm 100:2a).

We start the Lenten season this week with Ash Wednesday on March 2. In looking at what Lent is all about, I read that it is a time to reflect on the sacrifice that our Savior Jesus made for each one of us. Reflection, yes, but have you thought of Lent as an opportunity? I didn’t think about Lent in that way until I read the devotion, What an Opportunity!, on the LWML website. Check it out to see the potential opportunities that you may have during this Lenten season. Share the devotion with others!

As you continue your Lenten journey, enjoy other devotions for Lent found under Program Helps — Devotions and Devotional Collections on the LWML website.

Marie Chow

2/20/2022 Weekly article

Take Time to Serve

How often do we get busy and fail to see the needs of others? Sometimes we see those needs but we fail to act. It is hard to find the time to do good deeds or acts of kindness when we juggle many roles and responsibilities. However, our busyness should not stop us from serving others. We need to stop and think in what ways we can be Jesus to our neighbor. Take a moment to think of some ways you can use your gifts to serve others. As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace (1 Peter 4:10).

By sharing our gifts, we can bless and serve others as faithful stewards of God’s grace. If you need some ideas on serving others, the LWML website has Monthly Service Activities you or your group can do. Let us remember, And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him (Colossians 3:17).

Karla Koehler

2/13/2022 Weekly article

God’s Love for Us

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16).

Valentine’s Day is a celebration of love. Flowers are given. Candy is received. Cards are sent. But soon the flowers wilt, the candy is eaten, and the cards are forgotten. God’s love is so much more. His love for us is so great He gave the gift of His Son so we may have eternal life. This love is for the whole world.

How are we sharing that love? Mite offerings are supporting 28 different LWML Mission Grants during this biennium. The offerings we share are impacting people in 15 areas of the United States and 13 regions of the world. Every mite offering shares the love of God which does not fade away. Learn more about the grants by accessing the grant resources at

On Valentine’s Day tell the people in your life that you love them. Tell them love comes from God.

Sharon von Qualen

2/6/2022 Weekly article

A Time for Everything

For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven (Ecclesiastes 3:1).

Will it ever end? As I write this in late January, COVID is running rampant. Two years after learning about it, this pandemic has touched nearly every person in the world. Whether it is being personally sick or knowing someone who has been ill; losing a friend, relative, or neighbor; or having jobs or education disrupted — it is easy to get discouraged. Yet, Ecclesiastes 3:11a reminds us: He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also, He has put eternity into man’s heart. What a wonderful promise!

So what are we to do — here, and now? Serve the Lord with gladness! (Psalm 100:2). The LWML website has many ideas that include listening to podcasts or an online Bible study, resources for assisted living centers, service projects, meetings, or activities as we stay at home. Ecclesiastes 3:3 reminds us that it is …a time to build up … and a time to heal!

Happy serving!

Brenda Piester


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