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1/30/2022 Weekly article

Traveling Resumes — Jesus Joins in the Journey

Even as the pandemic continues across the nation, most events and travel have resumed. As LWML President, I have spent a fair amount of time in St. Louis and now look forward to attending conferences again to share LWML and our mission with others. I also look forward to in-person LWML district conventions which were held virtually in 2020. I’m sure you also have plans for travel this year. With all that is ahead, I find comfort and joy in the fact that I will never travel alone. My Savior is with me every step of the way.

As you begin your journey, even if it’s to the grocery store or your journey is a battle with cancer, find confidence in the knowledge that He is with you. As the road gets bumpy, we tend to concentrate on the road and appreciate reminders of His presence. Go to His Word and find comfort!

I found these devotions, only a click away, that draw me to His Word and set me off on solid ground. I hope you love them!

Mustard Seed Devotion: Always Walk with Jesus

LWML On The Go Podcast: Living the Gospel

Devotional Collection: All Along Life’s Way

Today, and always, we are surrounded by God’s grace,

Debbie Larson

1/23/2022 Weekly article

LWML Turns 80 in 2022!

At a meeting held in July 1942, at St. Stephen Lutheran Church, Chicago, Illinois, the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (LWML) was founded by delegates from 15 districts. For 80 years, Lutheran Women in Mission have joyfully proclaimed Christ, supported missions, and equipped women to honor God by serving others. As we continue to serve the Lord with gladness, let’s celebrate the blessings that the Lord has bestowed on LWML — 80 years of serving Him and those around us!

What's Your 80? 1942–2022 — 80 Years of God's Grace

In thanksgiving for 80 years, please join me and others as we reflect God’s love by blessing others with 80 of something, remembering events from the last 80 years, or sharing legacy concepts for carrying forth the LWML mission. Learn more about “What’s Your 80?” at You will find plenty of ideas and suggestions for sharing “your 80” with us.

In thanksgiving for 80 years, “my 80” is to donate an extra $80 to mites every month for the next 12 months. What’s Your 80?

Kathy Pavelock

1/16/2022 Weekly article

Sisters in Christ

“For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother” (Matthew 12:50).

Many of you may have a sister as a sibling. Though I have brothers and sisters-in law, I don’t have any biological sisters. Within the LWML I am blessed to have many sisters in Christ. What a privilege it is to share with them as we rejoice together over the birth of a new grandchild, cry over the loss of a loved one, pray for healing, and laugh over comical incidents. Belonging and feeling part of a group is a comfort and a joy — especially knowing we are all striving to do God’s will in our lives.

The Mailbox Member Program (MMP) is an intentional way to reach out to women in your congregation. You have the opportunity to connect with your fellow sisters in Christ and help them be Lutheran Women in Mission. To learn about MMP and how to implement this resource, click here. May God bless you, as you share with your sisters in Christ.

Arlene Naasz

1/9/2022 Weekly article

Christmas Doesn’t End

There is a hymn titled “In the Bleak Midwinter” — a Christmas hymn that makes me think of mid-January weather. Even though you’ve probably taken down the Christmas decorations, do you still have Christmas in your heart? Do you still think about Jesus lying in a stable, surrounded by Mary and Joseph, and the shepherds? The hymn ends with the writer giving Jesus the only gift she has, her heart.

Remembering this wonderful gift of Jesus, our Savior and Redeemer, will brighten the bleakest January day! As we think about the gift of salvation, let us also think of those who have not yet heard of Christ and His love.

As Lutheran Women in Mission, we joyfully proclaim Christ, support missions, and equip women to honor God by serving others. In the spirit of Christmas, share this gift of salvation with your neighbor, friend, or someone who hasn’t heard the Good News — the greatest gift of all!

God bless your new year!

Click here for Christmas-centered devotions.

Susan Donnelly

1/2/2022 Weekly article


And he who was seated on the throne said, “Behold, I am making all things new” (Revelation 21:5a).

Happy new year! How are you celebrating the new year? Maybe you have a brand-new calendar on your wall or desk, fresh linens purchased at a department store white sale, or a special new item received as a Christmas gift. As children of God, we can experience the joy of renewal each day as we make the sign of the cross in remembrance of our Baptism.

LWML offers many resources to support women in their baptismal lives. Faith Building Help for Groups 2021-2023 Planner includes new and renewed devotions and Bible studies. It is available to download free at and can be used by individuals or LWML groups or be shared with other groups within your church.

Make it your plan for the new year to spend more time with our Lord. Devotions for All Seasons is a compact booklet of 22 new devotions that fits into your pocket or purse for use throughout the year.

Have a blessed new year! Enjoy each new day of your life as a child of God!

Ruth Badciong

12/26/2021 Weekly article

Never Lonely?

“I will never leave you nor forsake you” (Hebrews 13:5b).

Do you ever feel all alone, that even God seems far away? In this sinful world, it’s not surprising loneliness comes periodically.

But God never — ever leaves us alone! He has promised most clearly that He is always with us. How do we know that? Before Jesus came, in His time, to pay for our sin through His life, death, and resurrection, God’s people had the promise of a Savior. They knew God was with them, but they had to trust in His promise of a Savior. When Jesus came, they — and us — now have living proof that God is with us. God came out of eternity to live with us — in His time.

As we celebrate the birth of Christ at Christmas, we can know, without any doubt, that God is with us — Jesus is with us. He gives forgiveness, He gives life eternal, He sustains us until He comes again. Praise God for Christmas!

Rev. Gary Piepkorn

12/19/2021 Weekly article

Hard to Keep In

And the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all they had heard and seen, as it had been told them (Luke 2:20).

Have you ever received a Christmas gift that made you so excited you had a hard time trying to contain your joy? Did you have to tell someone about it because you were so excited?

On that first Christmas, the shepherds received an angelic announcement that the Savior had been born, and upon finding the Christ child, they were filled with joy. The excitement they had over this fulfilled promise caused them to return to their homes glorifying God — they could not keep in their joy!

Again, this Christmas, the Lord is reassuring us that our Savior has been born. In this child, all the promises of eternal salvation are fulfilled in His subsequent death and resurrection. In Jesus, we find unending life and light. May that great news fill us with so much joy that we find it hard to keep in this Christmas and, like the shepherds, excitedly share our joy: Christ, the Savior is born!

Click here for a Christmas devotion about the shepherds.

Rev. Brian Noack


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