Thanks to "My Favorite"
God has led and equipped me through incredible women and men for my current position as LWML President. Just like Lays potato chips, I can’t pick just one!
In 2002, my son married a spunky girl named Eileen, and I invited her to join me for her first LWML retreat. As I escorted her around the room, I would say, “I can’t wait for you to meet Marlene (or Lilly, or JoAnn, or Dottie, or Pastor, etc.) because they’re my favorite.” Eileen stopped me half way around the room and said, “They can’t all be your favorite!” But they were all my favorites. Each one encouraged me in different ways.
I watched these mentors act out their faith, participate in servant events, and encourage younger women. They respected and recognized those who now needed assistance. Because I have been mentored and loved, I hope to pass on the blessings and a feeling of belonging to those new to our LWML family.
Thank you for giving to the Lord through LWML!