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12/20/2020 Weekly article

The Savior is Born!

And she gave birth to her firstborn son and wrapped him in swaddling cloths and laid him in a manger (Luke 2:7a). What do you think of when you hear those words? Christmas? The birth of the Christ Child? Your salvation?

You would be right about all of those things. Yet, there are many people who do not know Jesus as their Savior. Those words are as foreign to them as Shakespeare’s words might be to you. This is why the LWML continues to support the work of missionaries through grants, so that others might become just as familiar with the Christmas story as you are.

I think about the children who will be impacted with LWML Mission Grant #9, Wind River Indian Reservation Transportation at Fort Washakie in Wyoming. The children of the Shoshone and Arapaho tribes need to hear about the birth of the Christ Child so that they, too, can rejoice that their Savior is born. Yes, the Savior is born, and that message continues to be shared through the LWML.

Merry Christmas!


12/13/2020 Weekly article

The Perfect Gift

It’s the week before Christmas — do you have all your Christmas gifts purchased? Pressure.

I marvel at people who have the best ideas when it comes to gift giving. I struggle trying to find the “perfect” gift that will be enjoyed, needed, or accepted.

But all the stress I place on finding the “perfect” gift is inconsequential. The Perfect Gift was born in Bethlehem, lived in Judea, was crucified for my sins, and rose from the dead to bring me new life with Him in heaven. God didn’t feel “pressure” when it came to giving us the Perfect Gift. He knew this was the only way to bring life and salvation to a fallen world.

During this last week before Christmas, take a minute to go to the LWML website and read God’s Perfect Gift in your personal devotion time. Allow the words to remove any pressure you feel. Trust that the most perfect gift came into the world over 2000 years ago and is still the Perfect Gift — Jesus Christ, the Light of the World.


12/6/2020 Weekly article

Preparing for the Promised Savior

“It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas” is the song my husband and I start singing during this time of year. From the first snow, to Christmas movies, to beautiful lights and decorations, we are reminded that Christmas is coming soon.

In our congregations, reminders that Christmas is coming are seen in the lighting of the Advent wreath and Scripture verses that allow us to prepare our hearts and minds for the birth of Christ, the promised Savior. My favorite Advent Bible passage is Isaiah 40:1–5, especially verse 5a: And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together. What an incredible gift God gives us during this season to remember how God sent His one and only Son to save us from our sin!

You can prepare your hearts for the gift of Christ by reading Advent Scripture verses and by learning to create an Advent wreath. Share a wreath with someone you love and use it to start a discussion of the meaning of Advent.

Michelle Jenks

11/29/2020 Weekly article

Saying Goodbye without Saying Hello

I am a mom of two children lost during pregnancy but waiting for me in heaven. God designed and knit them together in my womb, even though we didn’t get to meet them in person. Yet God still welcomed them into His family.

We are all God’s children, and He would like nothing better than for us to take care of each other’s physical, emotional, and spiritual needs. God enlarges our hearts during times of trials and joys, so we can understand the deep love He has for all of His children.

We are designed by God to be relational and to share His love and our love for each other. If you have experienced loss, trials, tribulations, sorrows, joys, and blessings, let God lead you as you comfort and/or celebrate with others, utilizing your empathetic heart and servant hands.

To find encouraging ways to show His love to others, check out the mission service activities at

Karla Koehler

11/22/2020 Weekly article

I Get Thanksgiving!


The LWML leadership alternates writing these home page articles, and I am so happy I get Thanksgiving week! As Lutheran Women in Mission, we have been given much for which to praise and thank our Lord.

We begin our “thankful” list with Jesus, who came to earth to teach and lead by example, and who suffered and died for us. He rose from that death, triumphantly defeating sin, death, and the power of the devil. This is a blessed gift and reason enough for thanking God every day!

We thank God for His continued mercy and love, His grace and presence, His comfort in times of stress, and His truth shared with us through His Word. We have faith in His promises.

Many do not yet know Jesus, which is why we offer resources on this website, to equip you to share His love with confidence. Instead of turning on the television today, consider exploring this website. Prepare to be amazed!

Celebrate Thanksgiving Day in worship, with family, and in praise to the Triune God. Eat some turkey, too!

In HIS service, surrounded by HIS grace,


11/15/2020 Weekly article

Following the Lord’s Leading

Make me to know your ways, O Lord; teach me your paths. Lead me in your truth and teach me (Psalm 25:4–5a).

Fall in Colorado is my favorite time of year. The glorious colors and beautiful weather that the Lord provides just beckons you to get outside and enjoy.

This is a great time to retreat away from the busyness of life to listen to God’s Word and follow His leading. If you are interested in a retreat on your own or with a few friends, check out “Let’s Grab Our Shoes and Go” written by our Christian Resources Editor Committee Chairman Terri Bentley. This retreat contains everything you need for a wonderful weekend — two Bible studies, an Emmaus Walk, a mite devotion, and even name tag ideas. All available as a free downloadable resource.

Take time to enjoy the cooler weather and grab some time with the Word.

Mary Marten

11/8/2020 Weekly article

Eucharisteo Encouragement

Between Halloween and Advent, I yearn to include the word “eucharisteo” (a Greek word meaning “giving thanks”) into my Thanksgiving preparations. Celebrations may be different this year; will you be adapting your Thanksgiving plans? If so, I encourage you to embrace those changes as opportunities to be creative in how you both count — and share — your blessings, giving thanks to God for His faithfulness!

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:6–7).

There is a new LWML resource available to enhance your Thanksgiving plans: a set of 10 “Encouraging Bible Verses” with lovely fall wreath images to print, cut apart, and use. Consider inserting them in Thanksgiving cards, including one with a donated meal, or using them as place cards, napkin rings, or favors on your dining room table. May His Word be your eucharisteo encouragement!

Eden Keefe


LWML Resources