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10/1/2018 Weekly article



The Task-Filled Life, authored by Jan Brunette, will be available online and downloadable beginning Saturday, October 6 at Jan is currently serving as an LWML Texas District Heart to Heart Sisters Leader. Her passion lies in sharing the love of our Triune God with as many women as possible. She desires to encourage them to spend time in God’s Word on a regular basis through powerful stories and illustrations.

The first main session, The Great I AM, will begin the six-week series, with short sessions each following day for digging a little deeper.

God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM.” And he said, “Say this to the people of Israel: ‘I AM has sent me to you’” (Exodus 3:14).

LWML—Lutheran Women in Mission derive their mission inspiration from Holy Scripture. Bible study development is a key part of what we do. This new study is a chance to do a study together yet on our own time, in our own location. We are all busy and have different times when we are in God’s Word. Let’s do this together and invite our friends to enjoy this new study. Be blessed!

Opening Prayer from the first session: Dear Father in heaven, open my heart and my mind to the wonders of Who you are – the Great I AM. Prepare me for the pleasures that are yet to come and the grace with which I will be blessed. In Jesus’ name I ask this. Amen.

Patti Ross

9/23/2018 Weekly article

Stay Connected

When our eldest son, Daniel, was one year old, he would come running down the hallway to the family room and announce, “Here he comes.” Daniel often spoke in third person, such as, “hold you,” because that is what he heard being spoken to him.

In Scripture, we hear God announcing the Good News of His promises; Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion! Shout aloud, O daughter of Jerusalem! Behold, your king is coming to you; righteous and having salvation is he, humbled and mounted on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey (Zechariah 9:9); …for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous hand (Isaiah 41:10b).

LWML 2018 district conventions will conclude this weekend. As a member of the LWML Executive Committee, and on their behalf, I had the joyful opportunity to bring greetings and good news of LWML to three district conventions. As chairman of the Public Relations Team, I had the privilege of reporting in eNews, all the district convention recaps and highlights written by Public Relations Team member, Beth Weber. At the district conventions, the LWML Executive Committee representative encouraged attendees to electronically receive news of LWML happenings by writing their email address on sign-up sheets. 

Please help by announcing to and encouraging others on LWML Sunday and at your fall events to stay connected in the Word with electronic Mustard Seed Devotions and eNews by scrolling down to the bottom of this page or any page on and click on Sign Up Today!


9/16/2018 Weekly article

The answer – Because we sometimes forget.

When we look at the LWML Mission, Vision, and Primary Focus statements, we see these words: assist each woman, each woman is welcomed, we offer each woman, we accept and encourage each woman, we equip each woman.

“Envisioning a world where the deaf community participates equally and fully in the body of Christ” is the vision of the Lutheran Friends of the Deaf.

nullWe have deaf sisters in many of our LCMS churches. Sometimes we don’t reach out because of the language barrier. We think we cannot communicate, but we can with love.

This is an opportunity to equip ourselves to support the encourage “each” deaf woman in our church.  

Special Focus Ministries has led the intentional outreach programs for young women and multicultural women for many years. To be true to our statements of each women, we need to intentionally reach out to our deaf sisters to involve them in active participation in the LWML. 

More information on outreach to the deaf community will be coming to our website soon.null



The question – Why Special Focus Ministries?



9/9/2018 Weekly article

Online With God

You are online right now and you have decided to utilize the resources of the LWML website. That’s great! I go to this website daily to read uplifting articles, find devotions for myself and my Bible study groups, check for mission opportunities, and so much more. nullI also go online to post and look at my Facebook page, read and respond to email, and look up recipes. The internet is a great resource as we conduct daily tasks.

I must ask myself, however, “Do I spend more time online than I do studying the Bible or in prayer to my Father in heaven?” The answer is not always one that I am willing to admit. As I examine my use of time, I ask the Lord to help me find balance in my life, prioritizing my Savior. God knows we need time for work and to rest, and He’s given us all the same 24 hours each day. I plan, by His grace, to spend a good amount of time online with God!

nullBack to this LWML website I go, where I can find resources to balance my life to the glory of my Lord. A few favorites are Time Management, Balance—Christ Filled Living (this one is available for purchase for $4), and Personal Development. Join me in connecting online with God’s Word, where the power comes directly from the Almighty!

In His service, filled with His joy,


9/2/2018 Weekly article

The Widow’s Mite

When Jesus was on earth He taught us many things. He taught us to be kind, humble, caring, loving, and giving sincerely from the heart. When I heard that our mite goal was low, my heart felt heavy as I counted all of the gifts that God has given me just because He loves me. I decided that I would give to Him my love, my praises, my silver, and my gold, not as a show, but as a very small gift from my heart for all He has done for me. Just like I read in Luke 21:

He looked up and saw rich people putting their gifts into the treasury; 2 he also saw a poor widow put in two small copper coins. 3 He said, “Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put in more than all of them; 4 for all of them have contributed out of their abundance, but she out of her poverty has put in all she had to live on” (Luke 21:1-4 NRSV).

nullWon’t you join me in counting your blessings and gifts that Our Savior has given us and give from the heart to continue to thank Him for the great sacrifice on the cross and His promise of eternal life? “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life (John 3:16 NRSV).

Click on the “Donate” button at the top, right of the screen for more information on how you may help spread the love of Jesus to the hurting, helpless, and unbelieving people throughout the world.


8/26/2018 Weekly article

Who We Are or Who Are We

Under the About tab in the menu bar above, Who We Are is the first point listed. It offers information about our symbols, our mission and vision statements, our history and much more. Reversing two words in the phrase would change the heading to Who Are We making it more of a question.

How might I answer?
LWML focuses on relationships … with the Triune God and others.
LWML focuses on service … to our Lord and others.
LWML focuses on encouragement … offering ways for women to serve Him with gladness.
LWML is a vibrant, energized, God-blessed, Christ-centered, and Spirit-filled organization.

but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect (1 Peter 3:15).

LWML logo image

As you share your faith in Christ Jesus, may you do it boldly and may your excitement and love for the LWML shine through your explanation.


8/19/2018 Weekly article

In The Word

The summer season is closing, school sessions are beginning, gardens have ripened and clearing for the next year’s garden has begun.

During the Fall-Winter season, many are ready to dig deeper into their Bibles. I’m always amazed when people say, “I’m looking for a new Bible study, but where can we find one”?

Take a look at what is available under the WORD tab to learn more.


Where Love Abides
Donna Pyle’s new DVD Bible study, Where Love Abides, an in-depth look at what it means to abide in Jesus, the True Vine, to bear lasting fruit. Also, check out the other DVD studies authored by Donna Pyle. Dig deep into her studies with a group or as an individual.


Many more studies are available as free downloads and each is always doctrinally reviewed and based on God’s Word. Look for these studies also under the WORD tab.

Bible Studies: long/multi-sesssionsBible Studies: short/single sessions

Jesus answered, “It is written: man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of God” (Matthew 4:4).

Enjoy being in His Word! Blessings as you study!



LWML Resources