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11/23/2018 Weekly article

Christian Hope Through Mass Media in Egypt

Making a difference in a changing world

LWML Mission Grant # 7

women refugees

Imagine living without ever hearing God’s Word?

Mission grants are still in need of payment so that the message of Jesus and His gift of Salvation may spread to the ends of the earth. 

Through your mite offerings this mission grant is a reality.

Arabic satellite television programming is reaching families, refugees, and citizens of the region through a new television program broadcast in Cairo, Egypt.

Lutheran Hour Ministries' television is expanding the proclamation of the Gospel, especially in the refugee camps of Lebanon, Jordan, and Turkey.

This may be the only opportunity for people to hear about Jesus. This new television broadcast has the potential to reach millions of people throughout the Middle East, refugees, and citizens alike, with the message of faith and the true love of Christ and to be a strong Christian voice and witness in the area.

Continue to pray for all the mission grants. On Giving Tuesday your donation will be matched. Your support is needed. Please donate your offering at

Jennifer Huecker

11/22/2018 Weekly article

LWML Mission Goal 2017-2019

Making a difference in a changing worldprogress thermometer

Thanks be to God for every mite given to reach those who do not know our Savior - Jesus the Christ.

At the 75th Anniversary Convention in Albuquerque, NM, the membership chose a goal of $ 2,075,000 to be raised for Missions in this Biennium. It was an aggressive goal that reflected our 75th year of Mission Grants, but was done in complete trust in our gracious Lord.

As we come to the close of this Biennium let us fulfill the Anniversary goal that was set and celebrate God's goodness to the Lutheran Women's Missionary League. May His will be done with sacrificial joy as we live in Christ alone.

Continue to pray for all the mission grants. On Giving Tuesday your donation will be matched. Your support is needed. Please donate your offering at

Rev. Robert Mundahl

11/21/2018 Weekly article

Equipping Youth to Witness for Life

Making a difference in a changing world

Mission Grant #13

Y4Life is a part of Lutherans for Life that equips young adults on college campuses to share the Gospel through life issues.

Since abortion occurs at an alarming rate in high school age teens, the need for education about alternatives to abortion is great. This grant will expand this campus ministry program to include Lutheran high schools. And since 17% of Lutheran high school students have no religious affiliation, Y4Life has an opportunity to tell these fellow classmates about Jesus and provide helpful information about alternatives to abortion and the sanctity of life.

baby feetBy training student leaders and providing ongoing mentorship and support, students will proclaim Christ and raise their voices for life.

For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. (Psalm 139:13–14).

Continue to pray for all the mission grants. On Giving Tuesday your donation will be matched. Your support is needed. Please donate your offering at

Kaye Wolff

11/20/2018 Weekly article

Hearts for the Hungry, Homeless, and Hurting

Making a difference in a changing world

LWML Mission Grant #8

NOLA 4H is the acronym for the LWML Mission Grant #8 Hearts for the Hungry, Homeless, and Hurting in New Orleans, Louisiana.

church members handing out supplies

Six LCMS congregations, whose own church buildings experienced flooding from Hurricane Katrina, are reaching out with the help of the LWML to show the love of Jesus by providing food, shelter, and comfort to those still suffering with homelessness and lack of basic necessities in the hardest hit neighborhoods.

Your Mite Box offerings, given in prayer, will go towards equipping each of the fellowship halls of the six churches to serve more people with Bibles, shelter, food, clothing, toiletries, clinics, and counseling. 

Continue to pray for all the mission grants. On Giving Tuesday your donation will be matched. Your support is needed. Please donate your offering at

Michelle Zollinger

11/19/2018 Weekly article

Providing Food and the Gospel to Starving Children

Making a difference in a changing world

LWML Mission Grant #1

I know we’ve all seen the pictures of hungry children, and the situation tugs at our hearts.  We might even have said “I wish there was something I could do to help.”   Well, the truth of the matter is that you (all of us) are helping.

church members packaging foodAt the Albuquerque LWML Convention delegates voted to fund a $ 40,000 grant for providing food to starving children.  This grant was the number one vote-getter out of all the proposed grants. One half of this grant has already been funded. Our mite gifts on Giving Tuesday will help fund the balance and provide food for the hungry. 

Mercy Meals of Siouxland (Iowa West) has packaged over a million meals of fortified rice/soy meals for the starving children all over the world.  With one regular packaging event held each month, along with several special events, meals have been packaged and sent to countries like Haiti, the Philippines, and Liberia, including a children’s orphanage in Bucharest, Romania.  Approximately 45,000 meals are packaged during a single event.

church members sealing food packagesThis is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters. If anyone has material possessions and sees a brother or sister in need but has no pity on them, how can the love of God be in that person? Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth (1 John 3:16-18).

Continue to pray for all the mission grants. On Giving Tuesday your donation will be matched. Your support is needed. Please donate your offering at

Marilyn Schroeder

11/18/2018 Weekly article

Nursing Students Serving with Mercy Medical Team

Making a difference in a changing world

LWML Mission Grant #17, Nursing Students Serving with Mercy Medical Team - LCMS Office of International Mission $25,000

Mission Grant 17: some of the people being servedThere are many people around the world who will never have regular medical care, and may not see any sort of medical assistance more than once a year, if that often. Occasionally, this is the only time these individuals will see profession medical help. 

LCMS Medical Mercy Teams travel to countries around the world where little medical help is available. They see hundreds of people every day for a week, often for easily treated illness. And often the patients they see will have waited for a couple weeks in advance of the teams arrival to their area. 

Mission Grant 17 photo: team member offering care to those in needYour mites will provide nursing students the opportunity to travel with a Medical Mercy Team to another country. and connect with people in way they might never be able to otherwise.

Continue to pray for all the mission grants. On Giving Tuesday your donation will be matched. Your support is needed. Please donate your offering at

11/17/2018 Weekly article

Training Lutheran Middle Eastern Missionaries

Making a difference in a changing world

LWML Mission Grant #11

Another Terrorist Converted to Christ

Wow! That caption, found in the Biblical Orthodox Lutheran Mission’s (BOLM) October newsletter, grabbed my attention. The heart of that article was the miraculous conversion of a former member of ISIS. The miracle of non-believers coming to faith in Jesus Christ is a regular occurrence because the Holy Spirit inspires men and women across the world to pray and donate to LWML Mission Grants, enabling organizations like BOLM to expand their ministry and reach more people with the message of salvation through Christ.                               

grant check presentationRev. George Naeem, Executive Director of BOLM stated, “May the Lord continue to bless LWML and all the leaders and ladies who are working faithfully to spread the Gospel and bring many lost to His Kingdom.

The grants of LWML make a big difference for the missionary work of BOLM, so thousands can convert to Christ every year.”

Rev. Naeem will be happy to email you their monthly newsletter. Contact him at or BOLM’s website at

I take great comfort in knowing it is not my responsibility to convert the non-Christian. That great power is carried by our Triune God - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. But I am humbled and honored that God allows me to be His missionary as I donate to these grants. Join me in sharing His story through LWML Mission Grants!

Continue to pray for all the mission grants. On the Tuesday after Thanksgiving, Giving Tuesday, November 27, you may donate toward the 2017–2019 LWML Mission Goal by using LWML Facebook, or at this website, Your donation will be doubled on that day, thanks to the commitment of two generous donors.

In His service, filled with His joy,

Debbie Larson


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