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Have You Been Counting the Days?

Have You Been Counting the Days?

Have you been counting these days? We are actually in the twelve days of Christmas now.  Epiphany is at the end of the twelve days. Our family tradition was to add the baby Jesus to the nativity scene on Christmas Eve and then wait twelve more days to add the Magi.  This helped remind us that Christ is given to the Gentiles also.

Keeping Christ in Christmas is getting difficult these days. However, keeping our focus on the facts of our Savior’s birth, death, and resurrection is most important. Jesus is not only THE reason for the season, he has A reason for coming.

Have you had the opportunity to share with someone the reason Jesus came to all of us? Begin by simply sharing a cup of coffee or tea with them. Reflect Jesus’ love through unassuming acts of kindness. This may open the door to conversations where you can share God’s saving grace. For more tips, go to





 What a joyous season! Christmas marks God’s gift of love to us in His Son. Notice how the Apostle Paul wrote of it in his letter to Titus: “But when the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared, He saved us” (Titus 3). Paul writes in an interesting way here … did you catch it? We know that God is love and of His nature is an aspect of divine kindness, but here we see the expression of His love and kindness through the appearing of His Son in human flesh. What a gift! Because of sin and every evil we need a Savior. In His love and kindness, the answer was Jesus. By His perfect life, His sacrificial death on a cross, and His resurrection from the dead, forgiveness of sin, life and salvation have been won for all. Jesus’ appearing brought joy to the angels and true peace on earth. Rejoice and be glad, this gift is for you!

It is truly 'Jesus Christ Above All' that makes this Christmas Season one of great rejoicing. Let’s carry this joy forward throughout this coming year as we celebrate the 75th Anniversary of The Lutheran Women’s Missionary League in Albuquerque, NM. Set aside the dates and join in on a chorus of praise to the Lord. Joy to the World, the Lord is come!


User Friendly

User Friendly

User-friendly. It’s a common term these days, implying that something is easy to use. The LWML has amazing resources — and we certainly want them to be user-friendly! One of the recent changes for program helps — those FREE downloadable devotions, Bible studies, and sketches — has been to organize them with descriptor “tags” in a few new categories.

As you plan for the New Year we hope this new, user-friendly format will be beneficial to you!





The holiday "to do" lists seem to be never ending as the calendar fills with events. Memories from years past come to mind as new memories are being made that will be reflected on in the future.  Lutheran Women in Mission will take a trip down memory lane as they gather in convention and commemorate the LWML 75th Anniversary in Albuquerque, New Mexico, June 22–25, 2017.

nullLWML personnel ready to dazzle

At the convention there will be a special time to celebrate on Saturday night at the Diamond Dazzle. Right now there is a wonderful opportunity to help expand the LWML Endowment Fund through the special 75th Anniversary Thank Offering. The dream is to eventually have the interest from this fund pay the operating expenses of the LWML, continue to train and equip leaders, and enable the LWML to more fully carry out the mission of sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Donations may be given online at or mailed to the LWML office at 3558 S. Jefferson Ave., St Louis MO 63118. Note the donation as LWML 75th Anniversary Thank Offering.


Devotions on the Go …

Devotions on the Go …

Have you ever found yourself running here and there in an attempt to make the most of your day, only to realize that you hadn’t taken the time for a quiet moment with God? We’ve all had those days. Our days are especially busy during the holiday season.

LWML’s Mustard Seed Devotions provide the perfect opportunity for times like these. It’s Scripture at our fingertips. Although not meant to take the place of your personal time with God, these unique devotions are quick and easy. Mustard Seeds have been developed on various topics, are wallet size, and are available electronically from your mobile device on the new LWML app! In an emergency, they can be carried with you for the times you find yourself running short on time, or simply waiting in traffic. It’s the perfect picker upper to help refocus your day.

The Christmas Mustard Seeds are perfect to fit inside your Christmas cards!

The LWML store offers many other devotional resources. Some are designed for more personal spiritual growth, others for group study, all of which aid in making His Word a priority in our life.  


Let’s Celebrate!

Let’s Celebrate!

It’s a celebratory time of the year! Advent season is filled with special events. Some are religious, some are traditional and some are purely social. They all lead us toward the grand celebration of the birth of our Redeemer, Jesus Christ, on Christmas. It is a time to celebrate and to be thankful.

As Lutheran Women in Mission we celebrate and give thanks.

nullToday — Let’s celebrate the generous response to LWML’s Giving Tuesday! God blessed us with generous givers who raised $13,270 for the mission and ministry of our 19 mission grant recipients for 2015–2017! He also inspired an anonymous donor to offer a matching grant of $10,000 bringing the total amount to $23,270. We celebrate and we give thanks to God for people who continue to pass along their blessings to those in need.

Yesterday — We are preparing to celebrate our 75th Anniversary of LWML in 2017. We celebrate the blessings God has bestowed on the LWML these many years. We celebrate the ministries that have benefited from 75 years of mission support. We thank God for His faithfulness and abundance of blessings that we have received and share with others.

Tomorrow — We celebrate the work we have ahead because we are confident God is still guiding us, loving us, and sustaining us. To fund the remaining mission grants we must raise another $400,000 by March 31, 2017. Can we actually celebrate this? Yes! We give thanks for the honor bestowed on us that our God — Creator, Redeemer, and Sanctifier — has empowered us to do His will. How awesome is that?

Let’s prepare to celebrate the greatest gift ever this Christmas and be thankful we are called to tell others about that greatest of all gifts — Jesus Christ. We are Lutheran Women in Mission — Serving the Lord with Gladness!

Celebrating with you,
President Patti


11/25/2016 Weekly article

Give a Little, Give a Lot

Giving Tuesday is coming!
What is it?
When is it?

Celebrated on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving and following the shopping events of Black Friday and Cyber Monday, Giving Tuesday is observed on November 29 and kicks off the charitable season, when many focus on their holiday and end-of-year giving.

Even if you support LWML through regular mite offerings, you can still participate in this Day of Giving in these ways:

  1. Pray for our mission grant recipients.
  2. Watch for and share LWML’s social media posts on Tuesday, November 29.
  3. Encourage friends, who may not know as much about LWML, to support our outreach and mission grants with their donations.
  4. On Giving Tuesday, check in often on social media to see updates on our gift totals and watch if we meet our matching grant challenge.
  5. Visit our webpage to learn more about Giving Tuesday




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